
PAQ Announcement

Published Mon 01 Jun 2020

The COVID-19 Community Pickleball Guidelines for Continued Play provide details on how outdoor courts can remain open for use to help ensure people remain active, subject to strict social distancing and hygiene practices being implemented. 

Making an assessment of whether a safe healthy activity environment can be provided also depends on a range of factors, which will apply differently at each venue – it is the responsibility of each player and club member to make that assessment.

Before you play 

Stay at home if you:

  • Have been in contact with someone with COVID
  • Have been overseas in the last 14 days
  • Have flu-like symptoms 
  • Are in a high-risk health category

Attending Pickleball activities 

  • Only people core to playing should attend Pickleball activities
  • Download the COVID Safe app. is recommended
  • Flu vaccine injection encouraged
  • Arrive and leave as close as possible to agreed times
  • Keep 1.5 metres away from other people, allow 4sqm per person
  • Wash your hands before and after you play, a must-do 
  • Avoid touching your face while playing 
  • Wear gloves to pay and dispose of safely when the game finished
  • No paddle taps at end of game, a distanced salute is good.
  • Not share water bottles and bring your own full bottle 
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes and dispose of any used tissue immediately
  • Be aware of what surfaces you touch. 

Organizing Pickleball activities

  • Booking times will create a buffer between play sessions
  • Limit the number of players per court to a maximum of 4 people
  • Where practical use every second court
  • Minimize contact for players, participants, and staff
  • Payments to be made by Bank Transfer
  • Make sure you clean your hands before and after coming off the court
  • Not touch your face after touching a ball, racquet or other Pickleball equipment
  • Use cleaned balls from the bucket with detergent and wipe paddles with sanitizer
  • Provide soap, hand-sanitizer at all main contact points
  • Venues  may close showers and change rooms
  • Toilets remain for emergency use only
  • No change of ends between play
  • If you touch the on-court equipment clean this before you leave
  • Keep gates open to avoid players having to touch handles, doorknobs
  • Implement a 15-minute buffer for court bookings and play, ensure enough time for equipment to be cleaned and players to leave

Payment by tap and go at the counter or provide correct money, or pre-pay by bank transfer.

Arrive at the venue with your name and mobile phone number written on a note to hand in at the counter. This is better than each person writing in an attendance register.

Brisbane Pickleball Club COVID plan will be available on the Club website and a link added to MeetUp as updates are likely.

Members bring and use their own paddle, drink bottle and towel, and maintain social distance off the court.

Event Host is a non-playing member as welcomer and supervisor while others are on the court, and assigns the Event Host role to another volunteer member before they take their turn to play on the court.

Event Host supervises and reminds about:

  • social distancing off-court, 
  • handwash at end of each game, 
  • salute rather than paddle tapping, 
  • bring your own paddle and do not share paddles, 
  • rotate balls at end of game, sanitize and leave to air dry, 
  • safe changeover for players maintaining distance.

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