
PAQ Announcement

Published Tue 31 Mar 2020

Pickleball Association of Queensland (PAQ), as with all Australian sporting and social groups is aware of the enormous effect of the COVID19 outbreak across the world.


It is impossible to assure our players that transmission of the virus between players would not occur.


PAQ advises that their guidance is to exercise caution regarding hosting organized pickleball activities.


The constant player contact with the ball and sharing of paddles while wiping away sweat and touching the face places players at risk.  We all have a duty to take reasonable measures in reducing risk. For example, hygienic practices such as having available sanitizer and wiping balls and paddles during play sessions are encouraged.


We would also suggest that if there is any doubt or concern regarding the running of an event, that it should be cancelled.  We also support the decisions of any clubs or venues who decide to cancel their events up to the beginning of September, at this stage.  At an individual and club level please stay informed by checking the official federal government website as well as the relevant state websites.


This advice is issued to protect our members, their families and friends, and the wider community, some of whom may be more susceptible to the virus due to age and pre-existing medical conditions.


As our governments and health departments provide more information over time, PAA expects to communicate again with players and supporters.


The reduction of Pickleball playing opportunities will affect us all as there are many social and health benefits. However, our first responsibility is to ourselves, our friends, family, and the community.


We look forward to playing again!


PAQ committee

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