
Host Information

Published Mon 01 Mar 2021

A BPC sub-committee has reviewed our current Session Host practises and, in particular, considered the difficulty we have in getting members to volunteer to be Hosts for our events. Without effective Hosts we can’t run Pickleball sessions.

Venues and sessions are no longer a limitation to the Club’s growth. Sadly, a shortage of members willing to commit to leading sessions is now the bottleneck to more Pickleball. Everybody wants to play … few are currently prepared to Host. As it stands, during March we will be forced to rationalise sessions and cut back options to play due to a lack of Hosts … at a time when more people are playing than ever!

The sub-committee, along with the Executive, has been focusing on the process for Hosts and the procedures required to be followed with a view to making the role simpler. At the same time, we are increasing our compliance, in particular in the areas of safety & wellbeing. This includes online reporting and the elimination of cash collection at events (currently being trialled at 2 venues).

Effective from March 1st, the designated session Host for BPC events will play for free. This is to:

  1. Provide an incentive for new Hosts to nominate;

  2. Encourage existing Hosts to play more and use their hosting skills at additional sessions

We will monitor the impacts of this decision between now and May 2021.

To our existing Hosts, we want to thank you again for your continuing commitment and energy in hosting BPC sessions and providing a fun, safe, and controlled environment for our players.

Updated Forms/Processes

Please note that all forms will now be completed electronically to ensure we are keeping an accurate record of ALL information being supplied to the club in the interest of privacy.  All current hosts will receive an email in the coming days providing links to these electronic forms. 

Hosts need to ensure that a waiver form is completed by non-BPC members when they first play.

The injury reporting form must be used in the case of an incident resulting in injury. 

Session Formats

During March, all BPC session descriptions will be updated to include a description of the session format. As a result, all players will know before signing up for a session how the play for that session will be conducted. These descriptions will be finalised after consultation between committee members and each host to ensure the most effective format for that session is implemented.

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